oh lordy … when i first heard that heidi montag and spencer pratt were writing a book – i assumed it was a big joke but unfortunately it’s not … their book how to get famous is available starting today (please don’t all rush out at once to go buy a copy) the two reality TV stars (i like to call ’em idiots) were showing off the book (which of course they didn’t write) in their usual hammy self-promotion style while at LAX – even as they went through security (pointing to the chapter entitled ‘the paps are your friends’) the sad part is – some poor wannabe out there will probably take this book seriously and use it to plot their way to the top of being famous for doing absolutely nothing! perhaps the easiest path to being famous for nothing these days is the sex tape route? kim kardashian and her entire family have gotten tons of mileage out of her sex tape! even though i can’t stand either of these two twits – i’m still watching the hills – it’s terrible this season (lauren conrad please come back) but for some reason i’m not ready to totally let go yet of the train wreck! hopefully this will be the show’s last season – yet MTV is going to milk the show for all its worth! popbytes over & out for now … xoxo