By now, it should be plenty obvious that Lindsay Lohan won’t be heading to jail for allegedly stealing a necklace, here’s another hint: You know how, when the story first broke, everyone was trying to figure out how that tiny little thing could possibly be worth $2,500? Well, it turns out it isn’t. It turns out the necklace was marked up 300%, and is actually only worth $850, which means the store is basically run by a bunch of opportunistic famewhores, and technically Lindsay can’t be charged with grand felony because the necklace is in fact worth less than $950.
TMZ has learned the necklace designer sold Kamofie & Co. the piece for $850 — that price tag does not qualify for felony grand theft, which requires a value of $950 or more. Kamofie was trying to sell the necklace to Lindsay for $2,500 bucks.
As we first reported, we’re told Lindsay’s lawyer, Shawn Holley, will argue the D.A. should only be allowed to charge her client with a misdemeanor because of the value of the necklace. But even if Holley loses that argument, Kamofie’s owner — who we’re told will be testifying at Lindsay’s preliminary hearing — is going to have a PR problem for the mark-up and for selling the surveillance video and shopping a book deal. SOURCE
So basically, no matter how you cut this Lindsay is walking away without a scratch and the store she allegedly stole from is going to go straight to shit. Not that I really mind; Who the hell thinks that some shitty little strand of a necklace is worth $2,500? Fucking rip-off artists, that’s who. Oh my God, did I just agree with Lindsay? What have I become? *Shotguns an entire bottle of gin* LOOK WHAT YOU PEOPLE HAVE DONE TO ME!