About that ‘$2,500’ necklace Lindsay ‘stole’ …

Lindsay Lohan

By now, it should be plenty obvious that Lindsay Lohan won’t be heading to jail for allegedly stealing a necklace, here’s another hint: You know how, when the story first broke, everyone was trying to figure out how that tiny little thing could possibly be worth $2,500? Well, it turns out it isn’t. It turns out the necklace was marked up 300%, and is actually only worth $850, which means the store is basically run by a bunch of opportunistic famewhores, and technically Lindsay can’t be charged with grand felony because the necklace is in fact worth less than $950.

TMZ has learned the necklace designer sold Kamofie & Co. the piece for $850 — that price tag does not qualify for felony grand theft, which requires a value of $950 or more. Kamofie was trying to sell the necklace to Lindsay for $2,500 bucks.

As we first reported, we’re told Lindsay’s lawyer, Shawn Holley, will argue the D.A. should only be allowed to charge her client with a misdemeanor because of the value of the necklace. But even if Holley loses that argument, Kamofie’s owner — who we’re told will be testifying at Lindsay’s preliminary hearing — is going to have a PR problem for the mark-up and for selling the surveillance video and shopping a book deal. SOURCE

So basically, no matter how you cut this Lindsay is walking away without a scratch and the store she allegedly stole from is going to go straight to shit. Not that I really mind; Who the hell thinks that some shitty little strand of a necklace is worth $2,500? Fucking rip-off artists, that’s who. Oh my God, did I just agree with Lindsay? What have I become? *Shotguns an entire bottle of gin* LOOK WHAT YOU PEOPLE HAVE DONE TO ME!

Lindsay Lohan

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.