Amy Schumer, Anthony Jeselnik and Ben Hoffman all got shows!

Amy Schumer, Anthony Jeselnik and Ben Hoffman

Apparently, making jokes about how many STDs Charlie Sheen has does wonders for your career (unless you’re a blogger, in which case you get nothing. Curse you, gods of fortune!) as both Amy Schumer and Anthony Jeselnik are getting shows on Comedy Central, along with Ben Hoffman. Via EW:

See, pitching in on those awkward Comedy Central celebrity roasts does help your career. Comedians Amy Schumer, Anthony Jeselnik and Ben Hoffman have all landed series on the cable network that will debut next year. Details about the shows are pretty scarce. Jeselnik will star in an untitled weekly topical series. Schumer will star in an untitled sketch series that will feature “single-camera vignettes centered around a theme with Schumer playing heightened versions of herself.” Hoffman’s project has the most detail. His The Ben Show is a sketch/man-on-the-street hybrid where each week he’ll take “the viewers on a different life journey, which could include him forming a band, finding religion, auditioning for a reality show or trying out volunteer work.”

In all seriousness though, Amy is easily one my favorite comedians, so the fact that she’s getting her own show. And Anthony and Ben are both talented comedians and incredible writers, so that’s good too. I’d rather people who actually have comedy backgrounds actually get comedy shows, so this is actually good news for everyone!

Amy Schumer, Anthony Jeselnik and Ben Hoffman

About JEREMY FEIST 5002 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.