You know it’s a slow news day when Andy Dick getting drunk and/or high is considered newsworthy. Seriously, I’m pretty sure the only way he can get to sleep at this point is getting pass-out drunk and falling unconscious in a pile of empties and cocaine. Anyway, Andy was being typical Andy Dick at a restaurant (read: wasted and obnoxious) when cops came by and arrested him for disorderly conduct.
The downward spiral continues … Andy Dick was arrested at a restaurant in Temecula, CA last night after cops say he was acting disorderly … while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The former Celebrity Rehab star was taken to a nearby jail … where he was booked at 9:48 PM. Bail was set at $500. SOURCE
Um, surprise? I think? Oh who the fuck are we kidding here, I’d rather be in a room full of active grenades and rabid badgers than Andy Dick. I mean think about it: either way I’d be torn to shreads, butt least the rabid badgers wouldn’t try to put their dicks in my ear. Not that I would know anything about that … no, Andy never tried to put his dick in my ear. Ever. On a completely unrelated note, is it possible to get herpes in your cochlea?