As some of you might remember, Ashton Kutcher‘s last relationship with Demi Moore ended after reports of him cheating on her with Sara Leal surfaced, and it effectively ended their relationship and drove Demi to sucking the nitrous oxide out of used whipped cream cans. Turns out, according to a new report from Hollywood Life, Ashton is allegedly already cheating on Mila Kunis with, weirdly enough, an acquaintance of Sara Leal. Well, points for consistency I suppose.
A co-worker of Sara’s revealed a photo of Ashton, 35, in his pajamas — a photo her friend sent her. She showed Sara the photo and claimed that her friend was dating him. (It’s like six degrees of Kevin Bacon!) This friend taunted Sara, saying, “my friend’s dating Ashton — look at this picture of your boy!” Sara was apprehensive to believe her, but “apparently, the girl was at Ashton’s house in L.A., and obviously someone was with him, but he didn’t know he was in the picture. It was creepy.” Sara doesn’t know who the girl is because she “didn’t really care.” However, she cared enough to send Mila, 29, a warning. “It could just be an innocent picture, but I think it’s also possible he’s not dating Mila exclusively. Not just because of that photo, but because he’s cheated before. That would definitely be a red flag for me, if I were dating someone who’d cheated on their wife. I would hate for Mila to have the same experience as Demi. I wouldn’t wish that situation on anyone,” she says.
There are two possible theories here: The first is that Sara is hard-up for attention and is going back to the Ashton infidelity well. The second is that Ashton has proved himself capable of cheating, and if you can do it once and get way with it, you can do it twice. Or, the third possible theory is that it’s a little of column A and a little of column B.