Azealia Banks and Angel Haze’s Twitter feud

Azealia Banks and Angel Haze

For some reason, Azealia Banks and Angel Haze got into some sort of Twitter feud after Azealia made an off-hand tweet about people who weren’t raised in New York shouldn’t claim to be from New York, and Angel took it personally. What came next was… Honestly, just really stupid. I love them both, but this was dumb as hell. Via HuffPo

Though there was no mention of Haze, the excitable rapper clearly took offense, firing off a string of now-deleted tweets attacking Banks — who responded by accusing Haze of jealousy and being sexually attracted to her. Things got progressively worse, with Haze commenting on Banks’ skin color (and apologizing) and calling the “212” rapper “azebra” Haze then released “On the Edge,” a Diplo-produced diss track that rips into Banks (listen below, NSFW). She claimed she wrote it in “20 minutes,” though a Banks fan produced evidence to the contrary. According to Banks, Diplo called and distanced himself from the song

Look, as much as I love them both, Angel really didn’t come out of this looking great. Really? Making fun of someone’s skin color and then lying about a song? Honey, you’re better than this. You both are. But new tracks came out of this, so I guess I can forgive you both.

Azealia Banks and Angel Haze

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.