The year is winding down, which means it’s time for another installment of Barbara Walters‘ Most Fascinating People. And once again, the word ‘Fascinating’ becomes even less meaningful as Barbara gathers together a group that is half actually talented, hard-working individuals and half popular but talent-deficient people who have no business being rich and/or famous. Via the LA Times …
Mitt Romney apparently didn’t make the cut for Barbara Walters’ Most Fascinating People of 2012 list, but the British boy band One Direction did. Go figure. The TV personality has unveiled her picks, and they include Ben Affleck, director-star of the likely Oscar contender Argo, and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, likely contender for the 2016 Republican Party presidential nomination. Also fascinating, in Walters’ view, are U.S. Secretary of State and potential contender for the 2016 Democratic Party presidential nomination Hillary Rodham Clinton; “Fifty Shades of Grey” author E.L. James; and Gabby Douglas, the Olympic gold medalist and likely contender for the 2016 Green Party nomination (just kidding about that last one — Pop & Hiss just threw that in to see how fascinated you really were).
See what I mean? How do people like Chris Christie and Hillary Clinton get lumped in with One Direction and the author of those egregiously awful 50 Shades of Grey books? Unless … she’s just messing with us at this point, isn’t she? Oh Barbara, you sly troll you …