ALF – so remember that fuzzy alien from the 80’s – well he’s back – and this time he has a talk show – not sure what it will be like – but it’s sure to be interesting – i knew something was up when the ALF series was recently released on DVD…so catch him on his late-night chat fest airing on TVLAND starting nov 5th!

BRITNEY FEDERLINE – she is taking a break (read the message on her website) – girl get gone already! – you have been talking about time off and blah blah blah – so go ahead and leave! stop showing up in the tabloids all trashed out – i love britney but sometimes i think that when she hurt her knee – she was replaced by a robotic weird britney – maybe the real britney is safely tucked away on some remote island! (lauryn hill may be there too!) maybe the resurfacing of ALF has something to do with all this – but before she rides off into a trailer home sunset – look for her ‘greatest hits’ cd to hit stores next month…

PARIS HILTON – she was just in vegas with the whole hilton clan – to celebrate sister nik’s 21st birthday (her hubby todd was not there – they filed an anullment last week – surprise!) and paris announced she is loaning her name and image to a line of night clubs – called club paris – she is getting 7 million for the deal – first one to open will be in orlando (book yr tickets now people)….

DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES – ok after the third episode im still hooked – and by the ratings looks like most of you are too – anyways when bree (played by the delicious marcia cross) announced at dinner…‘rex cries after he ejaculates… – my mouth hit the floor – what a line – what a scene – what show – and thats one hot cast they got there – abc should be dancing in the streets over this one – looks like the biggest hit of the season (oprah already had the whole cast on last week…) and if you havent caught this show yet – they will be airing an encore showing on saturday at 10pm on good ole ABC

THE BIGGEST LOSER – tomorrow night (tuesday) nbc rolls out it latest reality show – where a bunch of overweight people are competing to lose the most weight! hence the title – the biggest loser – from the promos this looks promising – tears – and sweat – and sweet temptations will give these people a run for their money – who ever sheds the most will pick up a cool $250,000 so be sure to tune in tomorrow for a few laughs and im sure a few tears….

About MICHAEL KNUDSEN 5719 Articles
MK (Michael Knudsen) first started PopBytes back in September of 2003—while trying to make a website for his design portfolio, the site quickly turned into one of the premiere online destinations for all things pop culture! A native New Yorker, he currently resides in Los Angeles with his partner Ivan along with four dogs, four cats and two parrots. Follow him on Twitter @PopBytes.