Bill Clinton to Justin Bieber: “Meh, it’s cool”

Justin Bieber and Bill Clinton

Justin Bieber and Bill Clinton

Yesterday, video surfaced of Justin Bieber peeing in an employee’s mop bucket because HAHA! Poor people! It’s their own fault for not being rich and famous! Anyway, the video ended on the randomly stupid moment where Justin takes a squirt bottle and uses it on a picture of Bill Clinton while saying “F**K BILL CLINTON!” and for some reason, Clinton decided to call Bieber up and talk to him about this. Via Us Weekly

“Justin apologized for his comments,” the source says. Luckily, Bubba wasn’t offended! “President Clinton took it in jest, and said, ‘if that is the worst thing you have ever done, all is well.'” To make good on his apology, Bieber offered his assistance with the Nobel winner’s Clinton Global Initiative. After Bieber explained that some “friends” had sold the embarrassing video to TMZ, “Bill Clinton also gave Justin some advice: ‘watch your friends,'” the source reveals, adding that the former Commander-in-Chief “told Justin to focus on the good he does In the world.”

No, I’m sure one of the most powerful men in the world calling up Bieber and letting him off the hook won’t go to his head at all. I mean … seriously? Did he not actually see the video? Because I’m pretty sure the big problem is that Justin cussed out a picture of a former president, so much as it was the fact that he acts like an entitled sh!thead who steps on other people because no one in his life is willing to hold him accountable. And now that Justin knows that even Bill Clinton won’t ever call him on his crap, I’m pretty sure this problem isn’t going to fix itself anytime soon.

About JEREMY FEIST 5002 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.