Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted really should be given more credit than it’s been given, if only because it’s become one of the most subversively bizarre movies of the year. On top of the fact that it was written by the guy behind The Squid and the Whale, as well as a few other classics in Wes Anderson’s oeuvre, it also managed to rake in $60 Million at the box office, beating out the heavily promoted Prometheus. Or did it?!
Yes, here’s where the math and mental gymnastics come into play. Despite being a looming presence over the internet for the past couple months, Prometheusonly came in second, but still taking in a sizable $50 Millionn revenue in its opening weekend. BUT, here’s the thing: If you take into consideration that Madagascar 3 opened on more screens, then Prometheus beat out Madagascar 3‘s average earning per screen. So it’s a tough call as to who won the weekend box office: Madagascar 3 for a higher total, or Prometheus for earning more per screen?
Snow White and the Huntsman took a bit of a dive this week, but is still holding strong. It added another $23 Million to its intake, which should just about cover all of those shots of Charlize Theron turning into a million ravens, which was so sweet, even if most of the movie was just weird filler. Seriously, would anyone explain that troll scene to me?
Oh Men in Black III … at least you’re still hanging in there. Despite costing just a little more than The Avengers did, it’s only managed to make a fraction of their money, and already seems to be losing steam pretty quickly, with only $13.5 Million at this weekend box office which is what happens when you try to revive a franchise after ten years.
Speaking of The Avengers, the movie that cannot be stopped is still truckin’ away, throwing another $10.8 Million into the money pool that I can only assume Joss Whedon is making in his backyard.
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.