Was Britney Spears’ dance double … A MAN?!

Britney Spears

So by all now you’ve probably heard the rumors about how Britney Spears has been using dance doubles in her videos, to which I say: who really cares? She’s been in the business for over a decade now, cut the poor (crazy) woman some slack here. I mean Jesus, at this point, I’m pretty sure the girl doesn’t have feet anymore, just callouses on the end of her legs. Anyway, now with Britney’s new music video for Till The World Ends out, people are accusing her of using another dance double, with a twist … the dance double … IS A MAN! *SHOCKER*

The 29-year-old singer’s new promo for single Till The World Ends has become the talk of the web over suspect scenes that some eagle-eyed fans believe show a male dance double performing as her. One Britney fan fumed: “It’s definitely not her, it’s obviously a bloke. I can only think that she’s done it because she can’t dance the way that she used to. I don’t think that she should use a body double like that. I just happened to pause the video and I saw it. I was actually quite stunned – it doesn’t look much like her.” SOURCE

I’m can’t tell who the fuck is dancing in the video, mostly because with all the jump cuts, dancing and dim-lighting going on, I can’t see jackshit. You could put a Golden Retriever in some shreded-up leggings and a blonde wig and I’d honestly believe that it was Britney. “Wow, is that Britney? Man, her legs look super skinny! Although she could really use a manny-peddy, her nails are looking a little long … why is she humping that dancers leg? Oh no, we’re not going through another K-Fed situation. Someone get the mist bottle! DOWN! DOWN GIRL!” But someone (who has too much time on their hands) was kind enough to slow things down for us, check out the video below and decide for yourself what’s really going on …

Britney Spears

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.