Brooke Hogan is not banging her dad!

Hulk Hogan and Brooke Hogan

So last week, Brooke Hogan hit the snooze button on the clock that announces when her fifteen minutes are up by posing nude in an animal cage for PETA because she never heard of the term “inviting comparison”. Anyway, her daddy, Hulk Hogan decided to stop by and spend his birthday with his hand over the picture of his daughter’s genitals because that’s what backwoods hillbillies do, so Brooke decided to tell everyone that she and her dad aren’t banging. Which if you have to say out loud …

“Im SO sick of people saying me and my dad are in some perverted relationship,” she Tweeted on Saturday morning, days after revealing the photo in Miami. “Go home and do your own thing! Stop picking on me!”

“When Hulk saw the racy photo of his daughter, he posed in front of her picture hiding her private parts with his hands,” the source says. SOURCE

So basically, you and your dad AREN’T having a weird pederast relationship, despite the fact that he’s dating a girl who looks exactly like you and his first reaction upon seeing a photograph of your junk is to reach out and touch it. Nope, nothing weird about any of that. Just a dad who loves his daughter enough to bang her clones while everyone watches!

Hulk Hogan and Brooke Hogan

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.