can’t stand dance

good morning! oh my word – i’m not feeling so great this morning – i’ve got a drop of a headache and overall i’m just feeling icky but one thing did help me relax a bit – the latest chill selection from DJ paul v. which i think you guys will totally enjoy as well – i’m going to lay it back down and hopefully feel better soon! popbytes over & out for now…xxoo!

I have to be honest: This week’s mashup is like my fave bootleg of the year. Not only does it feature completely hip and cool artists (CSS, Velvet Undergound, LCD Soundstem and the Chemical Brothers), it’s just so slick and groovy. When I hear it, I get a flashback to Warhol‘s Factory parties, where I imagine Edie Sedgwick, dropping acid and wiggling her hips to it. Paris’ DJ Moule once again proves his meticulous mixing mettle on this one.

Listen to DJ Moule – Can’t Stand Dance [.mp3 5.4mb]

Enjoy! – DJ Paul V.

The Smash Mix | Indie 103.1FM | Bootie LA | Dragstrip 66