Charlie Hunnam pulls the safe word on ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’

Charlie Hunnam

Charlie Hunnam

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving everyone! I’m still going to be working today since this is an American site, but that won’t stop me from milking a “thankfulness” theme out of today’s news. So let’s start with Sons of Anarchy star Charlie Hunnam pulling out of Fifty Shades of Grey, presumably after he actually read the book. “Oh my gawd, has this woman never had sex before? … No kinky person pulls another person’s pubes! That’s just stupid! RED. RED TO ALL OF THIS.” TMZ reports …

Sorry ladies … Charlie Hunnam has just dropped out of the big screen adaption of Fifty Shades of Grey — and it’s all because of his role on Sons of Anarchy. According to reports … the decision was made because Hunnam wasn’t able to “adequately prepare” for the role due to his “immersive” TV schedule. Makes sense, since filming was supposed to begin on the movie later this month — but just days ago Hunnam was talking up how seriously he had been taking the role … so it’s pretty surprising.

Except it’s not really surprising when you realize that the moment anyone actually read the source material and realized it was written by a woman who had no idea what she was talking about who inadvertently spent three books romanticizing an abusive relationship, they’d probably jump ship. Now, in honour of Canadian Thanksgiving, not only am I going to spell “honour” with an extra u, but I’m also going to add what I’m thankful for to the end of each post. Like so …

Sh!t to be thankful for: Good actors ditching crappy movies that romanticize abuse.

About JEREMY FEIST 4970 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.