So last night, our beloved Chaz Bono was shown the door on Dancing with the Stars, which is kind of sad because we liked him, but at the same time, he wasn’t exactly the best dancer in the world, sooooooo … meh, I guess it sorta balances itself out into fairness. Anyway, mama Cher didn’t appreciate it and proceeded to pull out a doll and point to which parts of her ass they could kiss.
@Cher: But your mom “could cut a bitch” ! Thank u Carrie Ann 4 your Gentility u r beautiful inside & out ! To the Gentleman?I didn’t know who u We’re b4 which I guess is a blessing ! Going Home is Fine but why insult him b4 he Goes! Maybe Rudeness & Flapping Arms take the place of TALENT ! As for the Older Gentleman ….every Show Needs A Grumpy Old Man ! Sorry my Tweets came out of Sequence ! But u can figure it out if u try!Condensed version …The Chick is beautiful & Polite ! The Men suck
Okay, so from what I could tell … she liked the girl, and she thinks that the old guy and the one with the indecipherable accent are complete and total douchers? I don’t know, I think that’s what it says. I love Cher (you must follow her on Twitter), but spelling is not exactly her forte. Anyway, we’re sad to see Chaz go, and apparently the judges have been pissing everyone off this week, so by default we’re taking Cher’s side on this one. Suck it, whoever the judges are!