Chris Brown is going to jail for a month

Chris Brown

Chris Brown

Remember yesterday when I said Chris Brown may be going to jail? Well, replace the “may” with a “definitely” because he’s definitely going to jail for a month. And it turns out, the reason he got kicked out of rehab (the reason why he’s going to jail) is because he was getting a touch handsy with other women in his facility. TMZ reports …

The judge said Chris had an “inability to stay out of trouble.” Hizzoner was especially concerned at a statement Chris made at the rehab joint, “I am good at using guns and knives.” So Chris will sit in jail until April 23. The judge wants Chris in the slammer until a D.C. jury decides if Chris committed criminal assault in an unrelated case. That trial is set for April 17 and should only last a few days. It’s unclear if the judge will let Chris back to attend the trial. The L.A. judge will hold a probation violation hearing on April 23, and if Chris is convicted in D.C. he’s in big trouble. Worst case scenario … he could be sentenced to 4 years in prison for violating probation in the Rihanna case. One of the conditions — obey all laws. TMZ broke the story, Chris was booted from rehab Friday for violating three internal rules at the facility — most significantly … violating a rule specifically for Chris — stay at least 2 feet away from every woman in the facility. He was seen touching a woman’s elbow and hands.

You know, I used to come down on Chris a lot, but now … I don’t feel as good about it. Mostly because (and I could be hopelessly naive on this one) it seemed like he was actually doing well in rehab. At the very least, he was doing better than he usually was. Small victories. If they think jailing him will make him better rather than worse, go ahead, but at this point, I’d rather see Chris Brown not act like Chris Brown anymore than to see him locked up.

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.