Since Chris Brown started dating Rihanna again (Ugh. Ugh. A thousand times UGH!) he’s already been spotted with his ex-girlfriend Karreuche Tran, and seriously, how do so many find this violent, girlfriend-beating douche irresistible? Does he poop Pinterest crafts? Whatever. Point is, Hollywood Life reports that he’s been spotted with a third girl now named Sommer Gargan. Who would have known Chris would be such a terrible boyfriend?
“Sommer and Chris have a mutual friend who brought her to hang out at the studio one night and that’s how they met,” an insider told the publication. “He got her number and asked her to ‘hang out’ later that week.” The story goes on — adding that Chris and Sommer were intimate on several occasions. “Not long after, he went on tour and left LA, so they agreed to get in touch when he gets back in town.” While our sources connected to Chris aren’t talking about this report, it seems kind of questionable only because Chris has NEVER been the one to hide what he’s doing from Rihanna or Karrueche and has always been upfront and honest with the women in his life!
Wait, if he’s been upfront and honest with the women in his life, then does that mean every conversation he has with a woman start and end with the phrase, “Why do you like me? I nearly beat my girlfriend to death, and my behavior ever since hasn’t exactly been stellar. For jeebus’ sake, are you that stupid that you’d get emotionally detached to someone that uncontrollably angry and violent? GET HELP.” Or would that be too on the nose?