hey kids – oh tuesday is upon us! and is almost gone! So what’s been up? Not too much – Courtney Love is
stable back east (she should be there its more chill) but has been moved to a ‘private’ east coast institute – sounds like she may be in the loony
bin (no offense to loonies) – jeez I hope she is ok – she’s a messy one – she held it together for a
bit but is coming all undone again – and she just released a brilliant album (AMERICA’S SWEETHEART) in February – she sure
did manage to get her name out this yr – I think its half real genius craziness and half public
relations & image – I mean the fucked up crazy (and oh so talented) bad bitch of rock & roll has gotta keep up
appearances…I think of you daily and am rooting for ya! We love you – and you love us…

Tuesday is a day of tv conflicts – way too much on – here is the quick list of what was needed to
watch – last comic standing, blow out, big brother 5, the amazing race 5, joe schmo 2 , nypd 24/7,
and my new favorite nip/tuck (and dont forget my daily dose of days of our lives + i think oprahs in on & off reruns)…so you can imagine the drama/conflict/fear – but ultimate triumph of tivo (god bless mr tivo), vcr – and yes even some old
fashion rabbit ears (to catch nypd 24/7 – luckily free in the air) more on what shows rock and don’t
this week – so much to watch – such little time

Hollywood blvd is all closed up again so be warned – the espy awards (espn) are tomorrow I think –
so it’s a whole scene – not really my thing – I could actually care less…except i will be an olympics whore…

And did I hear that jenny lopez-anthony is indeed preggers – so lets see what happens with her and her baby (think rosemary’s) – maybe
its not even marc’s – I think a paternity test is in order – who knows what that girl has done or
better yet who knows WHO that girl has done…

And I ran into Melissa rivers here in hollywood again – I don’t think she remembered me as the
person who accosted her with popbytes – but she was friendly and she seems very nice – still no mom
joan rivers sighting – I can hardly wait! popbytes out – g night my dear hollywood lovers!

About MICHAEL KNUDSEN 5718 Articles
MK (Michael Knudsen) first started PopBytes back in September of 2003—while trying to make a website for his design portfolio, the site quickly turned into one of the premiere online destinations for all things pop culture! A native New Yorker, he currently resides in Los Angeles with his partner Ivan along with four dogs, four cats and two parrots. Follow him on Twitter @PopBytes.