Teen bride Courtney Stodden needs ‘Couples Therapy’

Remember how a couple days ago, Courtney Stodden announced that she was going to be shooting for a reality television show, and everyone just sort of rolled their eyes and went, “Of course someone gave her a reality gig.” Well, it turns out the show in question isn’t just some vapid look into Courtney’s life of being an underage trophy wife. She and husband Doug Hutchison are actually shooting for VH1‘s Couples Therapy. Somewhere out there, Greg the god of irony is probably rubbing her hands together, going, “Oh, I was actually going to make it so that Courtney and Doug shot each other, but this is pretty good too.” TMZ reports …

TMZ has learned … Stodden — who married Hutchison when she was 16 — has signed on to the upcoming season of VH1’s Couples Therapy. Sources connected to production tell us .. the couple has acknowledged there are “obvious problems in their relationship because of their age difference and the notoriety they’ve gotten because of their relationship.” Courtney and Doug — along with 4 other couples — will receive “intense counseling” throughout the course of the show … which began taping a few days ago.

Wait, you married a guy in his fifties while you were still underage and it DIDN’T work out? Nooooo … the sad part is, Courtney ad Doug probably have no intention of making their relationship work, so much as they saw someone waving a paycheck and promises of attention in front of their faces and Courtney’s legs swung open like a well-oiled gate. Oh come on, you just know that Courtney’s instinctive reaction to money is to release the Kraken. “Five dollars? Open Sesame! Just beware of the Minotaur that lives inside. It eats pedophiles and it’s RILLLLLLLLL hungry.”

Courtney Stodden and Doug Hutchison

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.