It feels like it’s been forever since Courtney Stodden made a stupid underage whore of herself on this blog, but I guess that’s because time flies when you’re not being forced to look at teenage famewhores. Anyway, it’s Valentine’s Day, so of course Courtney called up the paparazzi to come take pictures of her sucking on her 51-year-old husband’s noodle (my, that was poorly worded) because what good is having a private, intimate moment if you can’t turn it into widely distributed child porn? Via the Daily Mail:
The couple ordered spaghetti and garlic bread and decided to make the most of their romantic evening together by pretending they were in a Disney movie. They shared a strand of spaghetti, each eating from one end just as Lady and the Tramp did when they visited an Italian eatery in the cartoon film. But the pair’s recreation of the scene was far more X-rated than its Disney counterpart. SEE THE PICTURES
Awww, it’s cute, they’re just like Lady and the Tramp! You know, because Doug is the Lady and Courtney is a filthy fucking Tramp, just look at the nasty pictures! Although they did deviate from the script a little bit, in that the original Disney movie didn’t end with the two of them dying of syphilis.