What’s wrong with Dakota Fanning’s face?

Dakota Fanning

Dakota Fanning

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with Dakota Fanning’s face? The March 2013 cover of Glamour has transformed the once adorable Fanning into the Bride of Chucky. I’m terrified to look at it for too long or I won’t be able to sleep tonight.

Her spread isn’t much better. I don’t know if it’s the lighting, the makeup, or a combination of both but Dakota has the same vacant stare that a sociopathic axe murderer would have right before cutting me into pieces and feeding me to her rabbits.

Yet, the most terrifying aspect of this is Fanning talking about dating and not wearing a bra (those topics aren’t connected). Dakota will always be the little girl in I Am Sam to me so to hear her say, “I’m not wearing a bra. Deal with it” is just downright traumatizing.

In lighter news, she has no immediate plans to become a fashion designer but doesn’t completely dismiss the idea. At a time when everyone and their mother has a fashion line, you have to tip your hat to her for not half-assedly trying to stretch her career into that territory.

Glamour’s March issue is available now digitally and will be on newsstands February 5th.