Deadmau5 vs. Playmate Tricia Evans

Deadmau5 and Tricia Evans

We’re not going to delve too far into talking about the tragic massacre in Colorado, mostly because that is a pit of darkness and evil that is well outside of our area of expertise. Throw us an idiot celebrity and ask us to make a dick joke? Awesome. But someone walking into a crowded movie theater full of men, women and children and that’s … that’s pure evil, no matter how you cut it. Well apparently, Playboy model Tricia Evans does not have the same code of ethics as us, so she decided that it would be hilarious to tell a joke that, even in any other setting, would have just been terrible, and was promptly admonished by Deadmau5 over Twitter. Via The Hollywood Reporter:

“I heard the new Batman movie is really ‘to die for’!” she wrote after news broke of the rampage at a Dark Knight Rises screening that claimed 12 lives and left dozens wounded. Added Evans: “Too soon?” Deadmau5’s response: “good to know @HollywoodTricia i seriously had no idea how big of a shit you are. unfollowed.” The musician’s tweet appears to have been deleted from his Twitter page, but has been screengrabbed via the Huffpo. On Friday, Deadmau5 also wrote: “my thoughts and prayers to the victims and their families in Colorado during this most troublesome time. :\ such senselessness.” Meanwhile, Evans — facing a barrage of outraged tweets from critics — has been on the defense, writing: “Most of the people I’ve heard from r walking, talking bags of shit & deadmau5 is the moral police. LOL.”

I like how Tricia thinks that she can defend herself not by backing up what she said with an intelligent opinion or by trying to clarify the intent behind her joke, but by summarily writing off her critics as wrong because they don’t agree with her. I also like how those defending her are only doing so because she’s hot, and because she’s “an opinionated woman”, as some Twitter followers put it. Here’s the thing: I work in both comedy and adult-entertainment, so I know what the difference is between calling a sex-positive woman an idiot because she’s a sex-positive woman (wrong) and calling a sex-positive woman an idiot because she’s an idiot (completely fair assessment). So I can say with a clear conscience and complete assurance that Tricia has all the tact of popping an erection during the eulogy at your mother’s funeral, and has all the humor and intelligence of a back alley lobotomy.

Deadmau5 and Tricia Evans

About JEREMY FEIST 5002 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.