Did Adam Sandler dine and dash?

Adam Sandler

If you’ve never worked in a restaurant before you can’t really appreciate what an absolutely thankless job it is to be a waiter. Granted, some people luck out and get to work in a place with a really nice clientele, but you’ve never known outright balls-to-the-wall frustration until you had to make three trips to the kitchen because some a-hole’s fries aren’t the proper shade of golden brown and the bastard refuses to say “please” or “thank you” and seems to think waving you off is a perfectly acceptable way to convey his desires. Anyway, the worst thing you can do is to dine and dash, and that’s what a restaurant owner is basically accusing Adam Sandler of doing. Except, much like Adam Sandler’s movie career after 1999, the restaurant’s claim may be total bullshit.

Here’s the low down. Adam is filming a movie in Peabody, MA. Last month, Adam’s company, Happy Madison Productions, made a deal with a restaurant — A Taste of Italy — to cater a meal for the cast and crew. The owner brought the grub and got paid and everything was hunky-dory.

But the restaurant owner claims the production company asked him to stock up on food for 2 BBQ’s the following week. He claims he did just that, but Adam’s company never called, leaving him with bags full of groceries to the tune of $2,500.

The restaurant owner says Adam’s company wouldn’t pay, so in retaliation, he put a sign in the window of his restaurant which read, “ADAM SANDLER ATE HERE AND NEVER PAID.”

Reps from Adam’s production company tell TMZ .. they never made any promises about catering future BBQ’s and as far as they’re concerned … it’s case closed. SOURCE

So basically, he’s pissed because he was supposed to get rid of a surplus of food, didn’t, and now he just has a lot of extra stock? Ummmm … yeah, how terrible, you won’t have to make another grocery run for a little while longer. What a tragedy. Isn’t getting a written contract before you plan a huge dinner at your restaurant one of the first things they teach you in business? Christ, get something a little more substantial than sound waves and air next time.

Adam Sandler

About JEREMY FEIST 4970 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.