Donald Glover is the new Spider-Man (Sort of)


So a while back, Community hottie Donald Glover launched a Twitter campaign to play the new Spider-Man in The Amazing Spider-Man. Well, it actually went to Andrew Garfield, but there’s a silver-lining in all of this: The new Spider-Man who will be appearing Marvel’s Ultimate Fallout is actually bi-racial (He’s half-black/half-hispanic), and it was partially inspired by Donald Glover himself.

Bendis said his decision was made before actor Donald Glover’s efforts to be considered for next year’s Spider-Man film went viral. He had talked it over with Joe Quesada, Marvel’s chief creative officer. “Joe and I talked about it at great length – what if he was an African-American and how interesting it would be,” Bendis said. Later, he saw Glover on the television show Community, wearing Spider-Man pajamas, and knew he was on the right track. SOURCE

What’s that? Community wasn’t nominated for a single Emmy? Oh, I didn’t noticed because it turns out one of the cast is FUCKING SPIDER-MAN. Well, sorta. It may not be the Troy Barnes-lead Spider-Man movie we were all hoping for, but at least we get to see a comic book hero inspired by him, which is … it’s still close, dammit! And at the very least, at least they didn’t make him the lead of Turn Off The Dark.


About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.