Like two drag queens gunning for the same pair of size eleven high heel shoes, Madonna and Elton John just can’t stop whipping out the claws and taking swipes at each other. So here they are again in another fight, as Elton calls out Madge for being way too old to wear cheerleader outfits, and for being a total bitch to Lady Gaga. From HuffPo …
Now John is at it again. In a new interview with Molly Medrum on Australia’s Channel 7, the iconic singer blasted Madonna, saying her “career is over.”
“She’s such a nightmare,” he said, before adding that “she looks like a f–king fairground stripper.” John said that Madonna had been “so horrible” to Lady Gaga, who happens to be godmother to his son Zachary.
To that end, Madonna has taken aim at Gaga for what the Queen of Pop feels are similarities between Gaga’s “Born This Way” and her own “Express Yourself.”
“It feels reductive,” Madonna told ABC earlier this year. When asked if that was negative, Madonna replied, “Look it up.” (“Reductive” is defined as follows: “Tending to present a subject or problem in a simplified form, esp. one viewed as crude.”)
Ironically, if Madonna wants to call out someone for being reductive, she should probably look in a mirror, although I’m pretty sure vampires can’t do that, because you know … no reflections. Anyway, Madonna has kind of made a career off of “artfully borrowing,” let’s just put it that way. I mean, Gaga isn’t all that much better, but this is like getting emotionally invested in the bitch fight between the pot and the kettle.