Everyone hates Spencer Pratt!

Spencer Pratt

When we last left Spencer Pratt, he and plastic wife Heidi Montag were broke (HA), living in their parents’ pool house (DOUBLE HA) and they both basically looked like fifty-year-olds who realized that everything they would ever accomplish was years ago (SCHADENFREUDIAN HA). Anyway, it gets better: according the Us Weekly, it turns out Spencer can’t find work now because the only skill on his resume is “terrible human being”, he also screwed his agent out of thousands of dollars when he was on The Hills.

A source tells the new Us Weekly that Heidi Montag’s hubby, 28, still owes his agency “hundreds of thousands of dollars in commissions” from the millions he and Montag, 25, earned during their run on the MTV reality series. The source adds that Pratt calls his agent up to 30 times a day. “They just laugh at him or pick up and hang up.”

To be honest, this should really be the least surprising news ever to anyone with a soul or a sense of decency who can look at this and say “yeah, that asshole totally got what was coming to him”. Let this be a lesson kids: reality TV is not a long lasting gig, and when it’s over, you’re stuck with whatever role you decided to fill in order to run that fifteen minutes into the ground.

Spencer Pratt

About JEREMY FEIST 5002 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.