Last week, a new song caught absolute fire on the interwebs – the sassy, soulful, rump-shaking new single from Cee Lo Green (singer from Gnarls Barkley). Out of nowhere, a video appeared that featured the song, using only its lyrics as a visual. Which, as you know, is an ultimate FML, ex-lover kiss-off called Fuck You. And it begged the question: Can one of the most instantly infectious songs of 2010 even get played on the radio? We can ponder that later, ‘cuz today we present a hot new mashup with Cee Lo that’s an EXCLUSIVE to Popbytes – DJ Tripp‘s Fuck Romance. Yeah, it’s another Lady Gaga boot, but honey: if your romance gets that bad, maybe ya just gotta ditch the polite niceties and say, ____ ___! Well, you get the idea! Now go run ‘n tell your little boyfriend!
† Download DJ Tripp‘s Fuck Romance †
[.mp3 / 12.6mb / right click, save link as …]
Enjoy! — DJ Paul V.
Facebook | Bootie LA | Dragstrip 66
PS to my LA peeps: Come to Bootie LA this Saturday, Sept. 4th and hear the guy who created this week’s mashup! Yup, Santa Cruz’s DJ Tripp is in the house, with a special set for all you tech-geeks: multi-touch displays on a pair of iPads to control, manipulate, and play mashups! I’ll be DJing as well, and our dance troupe R.A.I.D. will wow you on stage with their eye-popping dance routines. It’s all going down at The Echoplex. As always, discount $5 admission till 10pm, plus a free Bootie CD to the first 100 of ya!