When we last left Farrah Abraham … honestly, I can’t remember what she was doing last time she did anything noteworthy. It probably involved her lying though. Or someone seeing through her lies because she’s somehow too stupid to lie even remotely well. Poor dumb dumb. Anyway, now Farrah Abraham has a book coming out, and what do you know, she’s lying again and the person interviewing her had absolutely no problem immediately poking a hole in her lies. Via HuffPo …
Sitting down with the 23-year-old, it’s hard to get a straight answer about anything. She talks in circles and seems to have built up a protective wall around herself that almost emanates trashy talk show cliches (“You don’t know me!”). The book has been touted by its publisher, Ellora’s Cave, as based on Abraham’s experiences in the adult industry. Abraham, however, is quick to claim the similarities between her and Fallon end there. “Yes, I had a sex tape, the book talks about sex tapes, but Fallon Opal is way different. The story is way different,” she explained in a recent interview with The Huffington Post. Abraham said Opal is “way different” than herself because the character doesn’t have a child and didn’t start out as a reality star. Except she did: Fallon gets her start on reality television, a fact Abraham has seemingly forgotten about.
You know things aren’t going so well for you when someone sits down for an interview with you, immediately gets fed up with your lies and canned catchphrases, and then titles the write-up “Farrah Abraham Will Make Your Head Hurt, Especially When She Talks About Her ‘Sex Tape’“. No seriously, that’s what they called it. Even the title of the interview is fed up with Farrah’s sh!t. In all fairness, if this were a rational universe, Farrah would have been incapacitated by some sort of incident related to farming equipment, so I can’t fault anyone for responding to her with exhausted bewilderment.