FashionBytes: The new Revlon commercial + Some big apologies


FashionBytesIt is practically impossible not to love love LOVE the new Revlon advert. Pharrell + Jessica Biel + Black Swan‘s Darren Aronofsky would be pretty epic to see right? Well you can. It’s happened. Here is the one minute TV commercial directed by the incredible Aronofsky starring Jessica and N.E.R.D.‘s Pharrell, with the male fashion icon on the soundtrack too.

In other news, this week has been the week of brand apologies. FHM finally apologised for calling transversal supermodel Andrej Pejic a “thing” after putting him in position 98 on their 100 sexiest women list. They also pulled Andrej’s profile from their website. We, on the other hand, simply can’t get enough of him, and here he is on the cover of L’Officiel Ukraine‘s June 2011 issue!


This week, Cadbury also apologised for the rather crude (but funny) advert where they compared Naomi Campbell to a chocolate bar. According to the Guardian, Campbell was glad that they apologised, but she said, “It is also a shame that it took so long for Cadbury to offer this apology. I hope they and other multinationals can learn from this; that offence may not be their intention, but when it is shown that it has caused offence a sincere apology straight away goes a long a way. Better still they should avoid causing offense in the first place which is best achieved by having greater diversity at board and senior management level.”

Cadbury - Naomi Campbell

Nik Thakkar / KARLISMYUNKLE.COM@NikThakkar