‘Tis the season for our yearly holiday-themed mashups! And in that tradition, we’ll be featuring some tracks from DJ BC‘s annual Santastic project, which always offers the best blends to put under the Christmas tree. First up is Voicedude (always a PopBytes fave) who helps Scrooges like me get into the spirit of things, by using Cee Lo‘s mega smash Fuck You, re-gifted with Santa Claus Is Coming To Town vocals from Michael Jackson. Aside from sounding like it was naturally recorded like this at the Motown studios, it also features a bunch of fun TV and movie dialogue samples. The MP3 is the NSFW version, but if you want the clean version as heard in the video, grab that here.
And please check out the entire Santastic V: Snow, Man! project here.
Enjoy! — DJ Paul V.
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