filmbytes: marilyn monroe at 84

Marilyn Monroe was born on June 1st all the way back in 1926 when movies were still silent. Sound hit Hollywood movies the very next year. Just in time you might say since Marilyn had one of the most memorable movie voices ever, all breathy, affected ‘who me?’ innocence, from those kissable lips. Strangely, Marilyn is best loved today in complete silence. People buy up countless images of her face and body on calendars and posters and merchandise … but are they renting her movies?

If you’ve never seen Some Like it Hot or Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, you must! And if you’ve seen her famous comedies try a dramatic performance. She’s excellent in The Misfits (1961) which was her last completed film.

Many actresses have played Marilyn Monroe since her tragic death and more will try. Michelle Williams and Naomi Watts both have Marilyn projects in the works. I think Watts’s face is too angular but Michelle’s round beauty could work.

Jane Russell Imitates Marilyn Monroe in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

Childhood Fear: Steven Spielberg’s Jaws

Kissing Jake Gyllenhaal

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