Everywhere I look people are reading that Swedish Girl With the Dragon Tattoo trilogy. I feel left out. Have any of y’all read it? The second movie in the series, The Girl Who Played With Fire, is already in theaters. The first, Dragon Tattoo, is the biggest foreign hit of the year and the American remake (from The Curious Case of Benjamin Button director David Fincher) is already in development. Speaking of girls with ink, ‘The Girl With the Multiple Tattoos’, Ms. Angelina Jolie has recently finished filming The Tourist with Johnny Depp (for 2011) and she’s back in theaters next week in Salt.

Angelina is so bankable all you need is her eyes and lips on the poster. Salt is going to be huge. Between that deadly Swedish girl, Angelina as Salt, and Bella in Twilight, the moody goth brunettes are taking over the world—or at least the movie theater!

† She Who Must Be Obeyed!
† 25th Anniversary: Mad Max and Mad (Anna) Mae
† Adrien Brody, Posterized
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