Carré Otis is known for her amazing body and pretty face from her heyday as a model back in the ’80s, She also dated Mickey Rourke (before he effed up his face with plastic surgery). So yeah, she’s kind of old school (minus the “school”) — but her words are more relevant today than ever, because bitch is speaking THE TRUTH. Finally!
When she was a model, she didn’t have the confidence to answer fan mail honestly. That has changed. Now she’s reversing the hands of time to go back and tell “The Truth About Modeling: What I Wish I’d Said To My Fans” and girlfriend is dishing all the dirty details about the lies she told when asked her diet and exercise routine:
“Whenever asked about my diet/workout, I would cite a healthy routine, the kind touted in women’s magazines. “Jazzercise three times a week and light weights,” I’d say. The heavily guarded truth was that I exercised a minimum of two hours a day, seven days a week. On days when I wasn’t working, I did double duty, going to the gym twice in one day. I said I ate oatmeal for breakfast, chicken and veggies for lunch, and fish and salad for dinner, along with a healthy snack like yogurt. But in reality, my big diet staple was four to six cups of black coffee per day, avoiding even a splash of skim milk since I was terrified of extra calories.”
Homegirl goes on (at some length) about how she was nothing like the girl in the pictures that people admired. Her teeth, nails and hair were yellow, cracked and falling out. Thanks to “air-brushing” (pre-Photoshop term) she looked flawless at every angle.
Even models don’t look like models, honey.
She adds: “One morning, I was sent to the emergency room with heart palpitations and an irregular heartbeat – a culmination of 20 years of starvation. Turns out I’d created three holes in my heart and I needed an emergency ablation surgery. In your letter you said you’d “die to look like [me]”. Well that’s almost what I did. What did it feel like to look like that, you ask? It felt, quite literally, like heartbreak.”