When I was a kid, I never realized riding my bike was a healthy activity. It was just something fun to do! These days, bike riding totally fits my philosophy when it comes to fitness. If you do stuff you enjoy, then you actually look forward to working out. Sam Worthington and Jake Gyllenhaal are both celebrity biker babes, while Liev Schreiber and his wife Naomi Watts often ride with their kids in tow. If you’re trying to get in shape, stop torturing yourself! Spinning your wheels is also very green by not using electricity or the confines of a gym. Think outside that (literal, cement) box and have a good time getting fit. Biking is an excellent way to be active while doing something fun.
Set your cruise control & stay beautiful! [w]

† Wes’ naked earth day vlog
† Green TP tip
† Follow Wes (@Westopher) on Twitter!