Dame Helen Mirren is a hot bitch — at age 65! The queen bee shows she still got it as a femme fatal in her new movie Red. The sultry star is promoting the new Wii Fit Plus workout festive campaign, which she credits for getting her in even better shape than ever!

”The Wii is fun, and it’s infinitely varied,” she says. “You can hula, jog, yoga, step, all in one session. You need never get bored as every day you can tailor a new workout. It challenges you, and you do it at home, so nobody need see you in those old yoga pants and torn t-shirt. It’s my new best friend.” Playtime also encourages creativity and builds learning skills. Find out more reasons games are good for you on my blog.
Get Wii fit & stay beautiful! {w}
† How does Wii fit rank among other fitness games?
† Fit celeb quiz: Can you guess the star booty?
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