In my own personal rulebook, fast food is NEVER an option. Anything served through a window is just not real food! But still, some people enjoy their drive-thru treats and I’m not so self-absorbed that I believe everybody has to play by my rules.
Just know this: If you’re trying to be all healthy and shit, a quick, easy — and most notably cheap — fast food salad is not necessarily going to be good for you. Despite her super sexy commercials, you are NOT likely to get a body like Kim Kardashian by eating at Carl’s Jr.! The particular menu item that Kim nakedly advertises by eating salad with her hands (who does that?) in the bathtub (ditto??) is almost 500 calories (aim for 300). Just go to the damn grocery store and get a fresh salad or deli sandwich!

I constantly hear people — who admit fast food is bad — defend their choice because it’s cheaper. I guess they have better things to spend money on, rather than their health? Basically, you can be a cheap ass; or a fat ass. Your choice!
† Shenanigans! More deceptive, so-called healthy foods
† Kim Kardashion’s REAL fit secrets
† Follow Wes on Twitter