fitnessbytes: lutz get to it!

Seems like everybody has “abmania” these days — they want and/or covet those delicious 6-pack abs! “Before [an 8th grade pool party] I never knew abs were attractive,” the now less naïve (and super ripped) Kellan Lutz says in this month’s Men’s Health. “Where I grew up in Arizona, you would never see anyone without a shirt on at school. But when I took off my shirt, all the girls were like, ‘Oh, look at your abs!’ and I was like, ‘Yeah!'” If you want a 6-pack, it’s a game of fat vs. muscle. Perfect abs could be hiding under that beer gut, so both diet and exercise work to deliver results. Kellan utilizes these 4 tips to keep his body in top form: 1) Get a workout buddy 2) Make it a game by competing with yourself or that workout buddy 3) Rest a day between working a specific body part again 4) Workout the entire body, not just one area of focus.

If you want rock-hard abs like Kellan Lutz, get to it and stay beautiful! [w]

Wes’ patented 10 minute ab-blasting routine at BETTERby30

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About WES FERGUSON 129 Articles
Wes Ferguson is a former Senior Editor at Entertainment Tonight and is a certified personal trainer; specializing in his own brand of combination moves that target multiple areas of the body at once for maximum results in minimal time. He has a background in martial arts, gymnastics, yoga and dance, He currently trains in Hollywood and runs a wellness website,