Oh Gwyneth Paltrow! This bitch is forever being spotted leaving the gym. Don’t stone me, but I actually don’t mind her. Still, there’s no point in spending some astronomical sum to workout, like that gym of hers. You can get a full-body workout without ever setting foot in one, actually.
Getting equipment is easy and totally affordable. There’s a slew of stuff to choose from, but you only need a few basics.
1) Dumbbells. Easy! Everybody knows what those are. Don’t go too light, it should be a challenge.
2) Jump rope. Another easy item. Simple, cheap and effective; there are several jump rope exercises that work coordination, balance and core muscles. Double Dutch already, girlfriend!
3) Balance ball. About $20, the ultimate ab machine – and it doubles as a home office chair!
4) Dyband. This is that rubber tubing thing that stretches. I don’t generally use it, but I still have one. If I were cutoff from the gym, like after an earthquake (a total possibility in L.A.), I could still get a well-rounded workout before I inevitably die without supplies and my cat eats me.
Build a home gym & stay beautiful {w}

† HOW-TO LOOK GOOD NAKED: Complete no-gym workout at Better by 30
† Wes’ patented 10-mintute balance ball ab workout
† More non-gym workouts at Better by 30
† Follow Wes on Twitter