WINNERS: @zacharyfunk @ThisIsJonny @mattkjor @SalvatoreJNL @CSos737
When I first heard Selena Gomez‘s new song, “Come & Get It,” (produced by hitmakers Stargate) I wasn’t initially thrilled by it but after a number of listens, it has completely grown on me! Plus I’ve been hearing it on the radio a lot lately, I think Ms. Gomez might have a slow burner hit on her hands. There’s also a number of totally hot dance remixes of the track now available (iTunes) by such people as Cahill and Fred Falke. I have five copies of “Come & Get It” remixes CD (thirteen tracks in all) to toss out today, just follow the simple instructions below for a chance to win, good luck!
To be entered for a chance to win Selena Gomez’s “Come & Get It” remixes …
2. Like Selena Gomez on Facebook
3. Follow @PopBytes on Twitter
4. Tweet the following message to your followers (include the bit.ly link):
I want to win Selena Gomez’s #ComeAndGetIt remixes from @PopBytes! http://bit.ly/Zrl2Ik
Enter now until June 12th, 2013, please do not enter more than once.
Five winners will be chosen randomly and notified via Twitter.
[US and Canada residents only]
“Come & Get It” the new single from multi-platinum selling international pop star Selena Gomez with remixes by Jump Smokers, Cahill, Fred Falke, and more!
Available now on iTunes!
selenagomez.com | facebook.com/selena | twitter.com/selenagomez