Guinevere has been tearing up the United States club scene for the last month or so while on tour. Last Friday night, I had the chance to catch her perform at XL, one of the largest gay clubs in New York City. While I was dancing to early 90s hip-hop in the front lounge, I heard the crowd cheering from the other dance floor. I made my way through the crowd of sweaty bodies and realized everyone was cheering for Guinevere who just took the stage. She was wearing what seemed to be a red latex dress that really accentuated her long legs. At one point she stands with her back facing the crowd which reveals that she is actually wearing a corset. Sold. While she tore through her most catchy song “Crazy Crazy” she had two robots (or are they men in futuristic spacesuits?) on each side of her banging drums. It seems as if “the future” is part of Guinevere’s narrative. The music video for “Crazy Crazy” seems to be filmed on a space station which happens to have dance floors, city landscapes and padded “white” rooms. Guinevere only performed this one song but she had the crowd charmed for the four minutes she was on stage. It seems Guinevere might have a future in “the future” she is depicting on stage and in her music videos. Check out a few photos I was able to take and her music video for “Crazy Crazy” below.