Last night marked a great day for us all: the end of the worst show on TV, The Hills. And with its end goes the relevancy of all the stupid spoiled whores on the show, including Spencer Pratt. As we said yesterday, Flesh-Coloured-Pedo-Beard tried to crash the finale party by dressing up like the love child of Einstein and Colonel Sanders. This worked about as well as you’d think.
And Pratt didn’t disappoint – dressed in a ridiculous disguise comprised of a grey wig and beard, painted on wrinkles and a fake protruding belly, the reality baddie joked around with the waiting crowds and posed for pictures.
But he didn’t get to set foot on the red carpet, having to settle instead with standing over the other side of the street watching the festivities from afar. SOURCE
You know, the more that I think about it, the more I realize that essentially this show was the only thing Spencer had left to live for. Let’s face it: he has no other job, no one will hire him, and his giant Barbie doll pseudo wife (aka Heidi Montag) ditched him like he was the last natural part of her body. I’m not saying Spencer Pratt should kill himself, I’m just saying that the liquids under his sink taste delicious and if he wears enough of his magic crystals he can fly off the roof of his house.