For those of you hoping to see Heidi Montag‘s creepy, 100% recyclable face on TV, well, you’re shit out of luck (and you have terrible taste in television) Heidi was supposed to be in a new reality show with professional nobody Jen Bunney, but has decided to bow out. If I had to guess why, I’d assume it has something to do with the set lights melting her plastic surgery.
Heidi Montag will be appearing on one less reality show. The newly single Hills star, 24, planned to pair up with her pal Jen Bunney on the small screen, but Bunney says those plans are off.
“Originally I was supposed to do a reality show with Heidi , but right now it looks like some things have changed,” Bunney — who left the second season of The Hills after feuding with Lauren Conrad over Brody Jenner — writes on her blog.What’s more, she doesn’t know if “Heidi wants to be involved in reality TV at the moment with everything going on in her personal life (no we are not in a fight, and no Heidi is not “dropping” me to do reality shows with the twins).”
Montag is reportedly shopping around The Heidi Show with Hugh Hefner’s ex girlfriends, Kristina and Karissa Shannon. SOURCE
Oh darn, now how will I get my fix of dumb ass reality TV stars? Oh, wait, yeah; by turning on the TV and going to pretty much any channel. It’s not exactly like we’re hard up for botoxed women with air in their heads and silicone in their tits. Hell, The Real Housewives of [insert current city here] has enough collagen between them to treat the entire population of Europe for a thousand years.