hilary swank hangin’ w/ kitties!

good morning and happy friday y’all! i have some guests in from out of town so i’ve taken the day off from the daily grind and i’ll be heading to the happiest place on earth…no i’m not going to visit w/ lynne spears – i’m actually going to disneyland! before i leave i wanted to post ms. hilary swank gracing the cover of ladies’ home journal‘s january ’08 issue along with a feline friend of hers! she looks adorable and the shot is in sharp contrast to her recent appearance on W magazine’s cover! below are a few choice quotes from her interview along with some more pics from the inside – and don’t forget she’s got a new movie out today p.s. i love you which usually isn’t my type of movie but it does look cute – plus it also stars hottie gerard butler and my always awesome lisa kudrow! speaking of movies – last night i saw there will be blood which was super intense – i can’t really say i liked it but it is a fine piece of film making and daniel day-lewis gives the performance of a lifetime – he was excellent – i’m sure he’ll pick up more than a few awards! popbytes over & out for now…xxoo!

on why she’s happy with herself
“i love the fact that i think i’m the type of girl who can hang with the poorest of the poor and the richest of the rich and still fit in. it’s probably one of my characteristics that i’m most proud of.”

her thoughts during the sojourn to northern india after her separation to husband, chad lowe
“i just sat with myself and thought, ‘what do i need right now? what do i need to do for myself.’ it was a time in my life where i felt i had so much…what’s the word? so many eyes were upon me. and that’s so unhealthy, for so many reasons.”

on divorce and moving on
“i just thought, ‘i’ve really got to get out and get back into the world and back into what’s important in life.’ no scrutiny, no ‘what am i wearing through this.'”

on children
“since i was 7 i’ve thought i’m going to have kids someday. so definitely, definitely.”

on her experience rescuing pets after 9/11
“surreal. people couldn’t get back to their apartments, so we’d go in and get their animals out. it was amazing. they were grasping at any sense of the things they loved and reminded you of what was important in life. it was like, ‘my animal!'”

driving cross-country with her best friend, sabrina ward harrison, who ran interference when folks would realize a movie star was in their midst
“they’d ask me, ‘is that hilary?’ and i’d be like, ‘no, no it’s not.'”

you can see photographs of hilary’s recent cross country adventure at sabrinawardharrison.com

About MICHAEL KNUDSEN 5719 Articles
MK (Michael Knudsen) first started PopBytes back in September of 2003—while trying to make a website for his design portfolio, the site quickly turned into one of the premiere online destinations for all things pop culture! A native New Yorker, he currently resides in Los Angeles with his partner Ivan along with four dogs, four cats and two parrots. Follow him on Twitter @PopBytes.