Hugh Hefner has a new girlfriend, Shera Bechard!

Hugh Hefner and Shera Bechard

And by girlfriend, I mean … oh screw it, you know what I mean. Anyway, about a week after getting dumped by Crystal Harris so that she could mine for gold in some other olden hills, playboy Hugh Hefner has apparently moved onto a new famewhore called Shera Bechard (Playboy magazine’s Miss November 2010), which is probably for the best because I know his gift certificate to Hoes ‘N Thangs expires next week. I know, don’t you hate it when that happens?

When one fan asked Hefner if Crystal Harris left him because she sensed he liked Bechard, he clarified that “the interest in Shera came after the stunner from Crystal.”

“It kind of shows you really treat women as nothing when you get a new girlfriend just days after you and Crystal broke up,” one follower said. But Hefner snapped back, asking, “What’s your remedy for a broken heart?” Hefner was understandably bitter when Harris, 25, broke things off just five days before their June 18 wedding. “How can I feel badly about dealing with what has been a truly devastating experience?” he asked, responding to a fan questioning his motives for moving so quickly from Harris. “I’m grateful for the support.” SOURCE

Honestly, I don’t think either side is really right here: On one hand, Crystal is a gold-digging skank who I’m pretty sure will end up selling her implants on the black market in about two years, while Hugh is a womanizing creep who keeps back-up girlfriends frozen in liquid nitrogen just in case. “Doo-wa-noo-gah-bah! Bring me another blonde whore! I had to feed the last one to the rancor.”

Hugh Hefner and Shera Bechard

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.