I am not a Princess (OMG, this is amazing)

hey everyone! so i’m beyond excited to post this video which was brought to my attention by my new twitter pal @nickwalsh (who also happens to be my rival for the mayor position at the new trader joe’s on vine & selma in los angeles) his friend eugene lee yang put together this amazing piece of work that features a bunch of songs from marina and the diamonds – i’m still super obsessed with her debut album the family jewels – i actually want to get a diamond tattoo on the back of my leg – the album has touched me so deeply – it’s without a shadow of a doubt my favorite release of 2010 – if you haven’t listened to it yet – you seriously need to – it’s that good – each and every song is brilliant – i just can’t say enough about it! for now – just sit back and enjoy this video! popbytes over & out – xoxo

My original spec music video for the incredibly talented indie pop artist Marina and The Diamonds comprised of a supermix of tracks from her inspiring debut album, The Family Jewels.

The story reimagines a myriad of classic princess mythologies that every little boy and girl has grown up either adoring…resenting…fulfilling…(or a conflicted mixture of all those feelings), and writes each fairy tale its own unique, modern twist. This message: of carving your own path and ultimately following your heart, regardless of expectation or society, is very near and dear to me and hopefully reflected in the spirit of this film.

Marina herself said it best when describing the origin of her musical identity: “I saw a simple group made up of many people who had the same hearts. A space for people with similar ideals who could not fit in to life’s pre-made mold. I was terribly awkward for a long time! I really craved to be part of one thing because I never felt too connected to anybody and now I feel I have that all around me.”

My fairy tale dream was this: to produce and direct my ideal music video with no limitations…to allow a spectacular young cast and crew to perform solely off their own creativity…to encourage and embrace diversity on film…to direct a project both my grandmother and little sister could love and understand…and, if anything, to promote a new artist who sincerely deserves more international attention.

Please check out her official YouTube page or visit her official site. Artists like her – especially in pop music – are indeed as rare as diamonds, and upon your first listen you’ll understand why I chose to feature her music in this passion project.

“I know exactly what I want and who I want to be…”


About MICHAEL KNUDSEN 5720 Articles
MK (Michael Knudsen) first started PopBytes back in September of 2003—while trying to make a website for his design portfolio, the site quickly turned into one of the premiere online destinations for all things pop culture! A native New Yorker, he currently resides in Los Angeles with his partner Ivan along with four dogs, four cats and two parrots. Follow him on Twitter @PopBytes.