Oh fuck right the hell off, Kendra Wilkinson. I know I usually wait until the second or third sentence before I tell a celeb to jump up their own ass (four if I’m really restraining myself that day), but Kendra Wilkinson decided to cry to OK! magazine about losing her baby, except whoops! She didn’t lose her baby! She didn’t have a miscarriage or anything, her son just went to live with his father for a little while. Waaaaaaaah. Tragic news, my ass!

Now, she’s been living alone in L.A. and filming the show while husband Hank Baskett is in Minneapolis playing for the Viking. But what’s worse, Kendra has been forced to make the biggest sacrifice a mother can make in sending her infant son to live with his father. “Life has changed now,” Kendra tells OK! exclusively. “It gets so lonely.” SOURCE

Yeah, about that … earlier this week, my uncle was shipped off to Afghanistan with the American Army for an entire year. That is 365 days away from his wife and children so that he can be in a war zone full of people who want him dead. Meanwhile, Kendra can’t live in a multi-million dollar mansion by herself for a little while without some support. I’m not saying Kendra needs to die in a fire, but it would be just super awesome if the bitch were to spontaneously combust and then not be alive anymore.

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.