After she got back from a romantic vacation in Hawaii, I was led to believe that everything was totally fine with Britney Spears‘ hair but by the looks of the photos recently taken below (Sept 17th and 21st) her weave is still in dire need of a pair of scissors! Girlfriend seriously needs to cut that shit out and start fresh – I don’t think she needs to be all drastic and shave her head again yet some kind of hair intervention is now a requirement – like yesterday! On a better Britney note, did you guys see the preview for next week’s episode of Glee?! It looks fantastic … all those BritBrit tunes … I’m SO freakin’ excited! Popbytes over and out … xoxo!
Britney Spears looks to be having hair extension problems again … the long blond extensions look as if they have not been washed or combed in days and seem to be detaching from her real hair that appears longer than her ears now!