I guess we’ve been kind of lax doing holiday themed mashups this season, eh? Truth is, 2009 saw a lack of new but classic Christmas mashes. But it’s cool, ‘cuz it means we can link to a track that still has that Santastic aura to it, and somehow feels even more poignant this year. Hard to believe, but we lost John Lennon 29 years ago this month, and of course our biggest loss of this, well, decade – Michael Jackson. For sure, both of them sought peace through their words and their actions. John’s personal greeting at the top of this, and Michael’s soaring voice throughout, just makes for a truly special listen. Many kudos to DJ BC for this perennial warm & beautiful blend. Enjoy the video too.
† Listen to Imagine Santa [.mp3 4.2mb] †
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PS Next week, we’ll post the last new – and hot of the presses – mashup for 2009, my pick for Mashup Of The Year, and a bigger nod to the Mashup Of The Decade! Plus links to free downloads from the Best Of Bootie 2009 CD. Be here!