good morning! last week STAR took a much needed break from anything to do with brad pitt, angelina jolie, or jennifer aniston and featured britney spears‘ crazy house – but they’re back to harping on what seems like a scandal with no end in sight – this could be dragged out for a long time (it already has) but you must admit it’s the stuff soap operas are made of and i think people still love to read about these three like there’s no tomorrow! we do know that brangelina will be spending the holidays in new orleans – so that might leave room over in missouri for ms. aniston to spend xmas with the pitt family – but i doubt anyone would celebrate the holidays with their ex-hubby’s parents but stranger things have happened as we all know… (you can read more about the situation over on STAR’s website)
at the top we’ve got something about katie holmes reconnecting with her ex – i wonder if they’re talking about chris klein – remember when things were a lot more simple for ms. holmes? next door is the best headline ‘lindsay begs for drugs!’ with mentions of pills, cocaine, and vodka – now that’s how you have a party – at least if you’re ms. lohan or even amy winehouse! the vodka helps to wash down the pills and then the cocaine keeps you rocking all night long! last – and probably least in my mind is gossip about nick lachey & vanessa minnillo‘s supposed las vegas wedding plans – i still can’t stand that girl – she got her claws into nick quite quickly and i doubt she’s going to let go anytime soon – a girl knows a good thing when she sees it…
i got a decent night of sleep – and i’m in an ok mood (last night i was in such a foul mood) i keep thinking about going to see spice girls tonight – which i’m super excited for – and will give me a chance to forget about unnecessary drama – which nobody needs – myself included! popbytes over & out for now…xxoo!