Jennifer Love Hewitt is doing great!

Jennifer Love Hewitt

When we last left Jennifer Love Hewitt, she was schmoozing with child pornographers and picking out engagement rings for herself because that’s the sort of thing an empowered single woman does. And unlike Dan Savage said, it has not gotten better for her, as she recently picked herself up some peen by tweeting one of the rejected men from The Bachelorette after she saw him on the show, before flying down and going on a date with him.

Jennifer Love Hewitt hasn’t been shy about her feelings for Ashley Hebert reject Ben Flajnik. “OMG! Ben F [accept] my final rose!!!” she excitedly tweeted on Aug. 2, a day after Ashley dumped Ben for JP Rosenbaum. “Gotta book a flight to Sonoma!!!”

Guess what? She wasn’t joking. Life & Style can reveal that the actress flew to San Francisco on Aug. 6 for a sexy date with the 28-year-old winemaker. The two hung out at San Francisco hot spot Lion’s Pub. “Ben from The Bachelorette is making out with Jennifer Love Hewitt,” one eyewitness claimed. Another fan who saw the two even said they may be a couple already, exclaiming, “Oh yeah, Ben and Jennifer Love Hewitt appeared to be dating. All in all, Ben seemed to be perfectly content as the second-place loser on The Bachelorette.” SOURCE

So what I’m getting from this is that Jennifer Love Hewitt is basically an amalgamation of every sad lady stereotype you can think of rolled into one. That’s what this is, right? Awesome. Well personally, I’m going to throw what little journalistic integrity I have left into the air and say that this is what happens when Brent Corrigan gives you porn: You turn into a pedophile spinster (same thing).

Jennifer Love Hewitt

About JEREMY FEIST 4970 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.